Memory Loss & Alzheimer’s

Memory Loss can happen to people as they age.

No one wants Alzheimer’s or memory loss. You may worry that those moments of forgetfulness or "senior moments" will lead to worse things. Instead of saying "it won’t happen to me," make sure your voice is heard. "If it does happen to me, I want to plan." Now let’s talk about the future possibilities.

Beverly talks about her fear of Alzheimer’s disease.

Mist-shrouded mountains

If there’s one thing I’m afraid of is Alzheimer’s. My father had Alzheimer’s and he lived in a small town where it was hard to get help so we moved him closer to me, which I was the only child.

I didn’t want this to happen my children so therefore we had a conversation with all of the siblings and decided that I could stay in my own home and get help if I need it. But this is good to have because I don’t want to have any problems for them or me as we get down the road. Although my children say I’m forgetting more and more times I tell them hey, you’re forgetting too! So that’s what we’ve done.

What if I am concerned about my memory?

It is important to remember that there are many types of memory loss.

Normal aging
As people get older, it sometimes takes more time to remember things. It also can be harder to pay attention to things.
Mild cognitive impairment
People will have memory loss but be able to live normal lives. Mild Cognitive Impairment sometimes progresses to Alzheimer’s disease.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a general term used to describe problems with memory, thinking, planning, and other brain activities. There are many different types of dementia and some are very rare. Some are associated with diseases such as Parkinson's. More common types of dementia are:

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
The most common type of dementia. People gradually lose their more recent memories first. Over time AD progresses so people have difficulty with day-to-day activities.
Vascular Dementia
People have small strokes that are often only noticeable in that they are forgetful. They may not have a facial droop or loss of arm or leg movement.
Lewy Body Dementia
A type of progressive dementia that leads to a decline in thinking, reasoning and independent function.

If you have specific questions, talk to your doctor.